Germany Time 17:54

VDWS International

Rescue Workshop Torbole

After the workshop participants will receive a certificate / confirmation of participation. This workshop substitutes the Lifeguard Licence (DLRG Bronze) required for VDWS licensing. Please note that it is NOT an officially recognized Lifeguard Licence. VDWS Instructor Licence will be prolonged for three years by participation.

Training Contents:
During the workshop participants will go through different realistic scenarios, in which victims will be saved on the water and brought back to shore, practical skills and theoretical knowledge will be imparted in order to be able to act correctly as first-aid workers should an emergency occur on or at the water. Practical contents: Situation analysis, way towards the victim/approach/swimming approach, rescue, getting onshore, positioning, rescue chain. Procedures for different kinds of victims (cramps / freezing/ hyperthermia / unconsciousness/). Facultative contents: Rescue with windsurfing equipment, rescue with kiteboarding equipment, rescue with catamaran, motorboat rescue (depending on the available equipment at the venue of the workshop)

All exams will take place on open water as far as possible, without any facilities and using muscle power only
Exam I RUN-SWIM-RUN: In a time limit of 11 minutes the following courses must be completed: 200m running, 200m swimming, 200m running
Exam II POLO CRAWL: 50m polo crawl must be completed in 50 seconds (Note: polo crawl is a crawl with head above water).
Both parts of the examination must be passed in order to get the licence. Given the level of difficulty of the exam we recommend to actively prepare for it.

Kite Segnana
Via Foci del Sarca 5
38069 Torbole del Garda


Important to know:
VDWS reserves the right to cancel the event, by reason of organizational matters.

What to take with you?
Wetsuit, shoes, water proof and warm clothes

There are various accommodation options. For tips please contact Mirco Genco: / +39 348 0673976

EUR 185,00
13.10. - 14.10.2025
Torbole, Lake Garda
Windsurfing Kitesurfing Sailing SUP Wingfoiling
Rescue Seminar
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