Germany Time 00:58

VDWS International

How to join the examiner team


  • VDWS Membership
  • Valid VDWS license in 2 sports + center management
  • Active activity as an instructor in a VDWS center
  • Time availability for 2 - 4 events (weeks) per year
  • Language skills: English + other languages
  • Ability to work in a team
  • Optional: Recommendation of a VDWS Examiner Team member

Are you interested?

Then download the application form and send it to Florian Krämer ().

We are looking forward to your application!

What happens next?

The application is then forwarded to the Board and the application is discussed at the next meeting and either approved (requirements are met and there is a need for further examiner team members) or rejected (no need or insufficient requirements).

Examiner Team Candidate

If approved, the applicant will be invited to attend two "candidate" courses. Of these, the first is for observation only and the second, if the applicant is sufficiently qualified, is to be completed with the applicant's own group (under supervision).
After the courses, the supervising instructors submit an evaluation to the board.

The board then decides at its fall meeting whether to accept or reject the candidate.

If the candidate is accepted, a contract is signed between the board and the candidate for a period of one year.