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VDWS International

How to become a VDWS Center

General information

VDWS-watersportschools are VDWS-recognized training centers for watersport. They are members of the registered association VDWS e.V. The guidelines of the recognition of watersportschools emerge from § 2 of the VDWS e.V. statutes.

The training for adequate and correct seamanlike behaviour on the water is mainly assured by commercial training centers. In its capacity as professional association, VDWS aims for a qualified education of all watersportpersons. In order to guarantee the highest possible level of this education, training centers are recognized according to standard guidelines.

For this purpose, the following requirements have to be met, the present list not intending to be exhaustive. These are minimum standards, to be completed by additional criteria of the VDWS Center Manual, in as much as it is required for a training activity of adequate quality.

VDWS' guidelines of recognition correspond to the requirements of the working group VAW (Vereinigte Ausbildungsverbände Wassersport), a federation made up of independent watersport associations from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.

Member associations of VAW are

  • VDWS Verband Deutscher Wassersport Schulen e.V. 
  • VÖWS Vereinigung Österreichischer Wassersport Schulen 
  • WSVO Wassersport Schulvereinigung Österreichs 
  • SWAV Schweizerische Wassesport Vereinigung

Application procedure

complete and send to the VDWS office by email with the following documents:

  • Water authorisation / concession for the school activities
  • Business registration
  • Proof of insurance (school liability insurance)

If all personal and factual requirements are met (see page 2 ‘School recognition/criteria catalogue’), recognition and admission as a school member can take place. This is associated with the authorisation to train and test for the VDWS basic certificates.

VDWS-recognised schools are entitled to advertise with the title ‘VDWS recognised’ and the VDWS logo.


Advantages of the VDWS Recognition

  • Job market: Free job market for members and schools.
  • Presentation platform ‘ Watersports centre ’ for self-marketing
  • ProShop specific teaching materials for schools, such as advertising materials, accessories, fashion, neoprene, school sails and children's rigs
  • Print and digital learning materials for beginners' training to complete and professionalise the school's own training programmes in different languages.
  • International Basic Licence
  • Easy access to the VDWS instructor market
  • Tested training concepts by our teaching team based on many years of experience and exchange with other schools in different spots. Training concepts that make the work of instructors easier, more professional and safer.
  • Individual and customised teacher training at your own location.
  • School liability and comprehensive insurance: Many advantageous offers based on special group rates for our school members, as well as individual and water sports-specific insurance offers for all situations in life.
  • Water traffic law hotline: There is a hotline for all members on questions relating to water traffic law. Contact person is Rainer Beerfelde, contact details in the insider area.
  • Social project support with the association
  • Personal support and advice from the VDWS office
  • Network: make contacts and benefit together from the worldwide VDWS community.
  • Political lobbying (Baltic Sea National Park, North Sea Navigation Ordinance, Wing Ban Saxony and training recognition in Spain, Italy, Portugal ... .
  • Annual meeting of school managers at the BOOT trade fair in Düsseldorf.
  • “Come together” events to maintain contact with schools and intensify dialogue.


Click here for school recognition guidelines

Free Advertising for your Centre

Entry in the VDWS water sports register where all VDWS recognised water sports centres are listed, is free of charge. The register is issued several times a year at an impression of 5.000 copies. Distribution is done through direct inquires, fairs and a promotion campaign by the „surf" magazine.


  • Annual membership fee 250 Euro
    • The annual membership fee includes a €100 voucher (Study Boost) for educational materials per year (2025 and 2026), which must be redeemed in full with a €100 purchase during the respective membership year.
  • Admission fee 350 Euro
    • The entrance fee includes a starter package worth 100 €, which includes a school stamp, a school sign, two VDWS flags and teaching materials for the registered sports.
  • Annual fee per additional location 50 Euro

Do you have more questions?

Just give us a call at +49 (0)881 - 9311-0 or send us an

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