Germany Time 02:06

VDWS International

How to become a VDWS Center

General information

VDWS-watersportschools are VDWS-recognized training centers for watersport. They are members of the registered association VDWS e.V. The guidelines of the recognition of watersportschools emerge from § 2 of the VDWS e.V. statutes.

The training for adequate and correct seamanlike behaviour on the water is mainly assured by commercial training centers. In its capacity as professional association, VDWS aims for a qualified education of all watersportpersons. In order to guarantee the highest possible level of this education, training centers are recognized according to standard guidelines.

For this purpose, the following requirements have to be met, the present list not intending to be exhaustive. These are minimum standards, to be completed by additional criteria of the VDWS Center Manual, in as much as it is required for a training activity of adequate quality.

VDWS' guidelines of recognition correspond to the requirements of the working group VAW (Vereinigte Ausbildungsverbände Wassersport), a federation made up of independent watersport associations from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.

Member associations of VAW are

  • VDWS Verband Deutscher Wassersport Schulen e.V. 
  • VÖWS Vereinigung Österreichischer Wassersport Schulen 
  • WSVO Wassersport Schulvereinigung Österreichs 
  • SWAV Schweizerische Wassesport Vereinigung

Application form

Please fill out Application form, School questionnaire plus supporting documents, Working certificate(s) of the employed staff (with copies of licences) and send them to the VDWS secretary. When receipt of your documents, your Centre will be recognised; you will receive a school flag and a school plate for your representation.

Advantages of the VDWS Recognition

VDWS e.V. was founded in 1974 with the aim, inter alia (see by-laws), of: Assisting and promoting windsurf schools, Training windsurf instructors, Developing training materials for beginners and advanced students etc.

We try to cope with these tasks and therefore offer a wide range of training materials. Beside theoretical documentation, we offer advertising means, accessories, fashion, neoprene as well as school and rental sails. They are all in the same red/yellow colour line for an optimum Corporate Identity. Our articles are sold at rock-bottom price – some of them at chest -.

Each year VDWS organizes management meetings for all school members (national and international) to show up and discuss trends, developments, future tasks and projects to be picked out as a central theme and to be discussed constructively. This anual "come together" offers the opportunity for an intensive exchange and coordination to the worldwide center managers.


Click here for school recognition guidelines

Free Advertising for your Centre

Entry in the VDWS water sports register where all VDWS recognised water sports centres are listed, is free of charge. The register is issued several times a year at an impression of 5.000 copies. Distribution is done through direct inquires, fairs and a promotion campaign by the „surf" magazine.


  • Annual membership fee 250 Euro
    • The annual membership fee includes a €100 voucher for educational materials per year (2025 and 2026), which must be redeemed in full with a €100 purchase during the respective membership year.
  • Admission fee 350 Euro
    • The entrance fee includes a starter package worth 100 €, which includes a school stamp, a school sign, two VDWS flags and teaching materials for the registered sports.
  • Annual fee per additional location 50 Euro

Do you have more questions?

Just give us a call at +49 (0)881 - 9311-0 or send us an

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